Adding an Impersonation User

The Cyara Integration Hub is designed to push and pull information via the Cyara API. In order to achieve this, the Integration Hub will impersonate a provisioned Cyara user account, using it's API token to authenticate API requests.

Once you have provisioned specific account users to be available for impersonating the Integration Hub, a snapshot of their API key is taken and stored securely. These users are now available for your integrations.


On the Impersonation Users screen, you will see a list of all user accounts that can be used for Cyara API access from your integration scripts. Each user will display their associated Role, and an API Auth Test result.

If at any point the API token for any of these users is changed, this API Auth test result will fail. In this case, click the Regenerate API Token button, this will create a new token and link it with this impersonation user, allowing the user to access the API calls required for Integration Hub.

For more information on how to enable Integration Hub access, read the "Enabling The Integration Hub" article.

Adding a new Impersonation User

To add a new impersonation user, first ensure that the user is provisioned to have access to the Integration Hub and that your Integration Hub URL is accessible.

From the Tools > Integrations section of the Portal navigate to the Integrations list page. There is a drop-down menu to the right. Click on the arrow and choose Impersonation.


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