Cyara Variables

Cyara Variables are determined by the Integration Type being used. There are three core Integration Types, Incidents, Log Aggregators and Accelerators. See the table below for a list of each available Cyara Variable per Integration Type.

The following table shows possible Cyara Variables values of fields to be pushed to Integrations. These fields can also use a static string value instead of a template.
A template can contain one or more replacement variables from the table below:

Cyara Variable



$CampaignName Campaign Name Log Aggregator, Incident
$CategoryName Category Name Log Aggregator
$DashboardName Dashboard Name Log Aggregator
$DetailedResult Detailed Result Log Aggregator, Incident
$FullTestResult The full Test Result in json (failed only) Log Aggregator
$Result Test Result Log Aggregator, Incident
$ResultCategory Test Result Category Log Aggregator, Incident
$ServiceName Service Group Name Log Aggregator
$StepDescription Failed Step Description Log Aggregator, Incident
$StepNo Failed Step No Log Aggregator, Incident
$TestCaseDescription Test Case Description Log Aggregator, Incident
$TestCaseName Test Case Name Log Aggregator, Incident
$TestCaseNotes Test Case Notes Log Aggregator, Incident
$Url The Url to the Portal Detailed Result page Log Aggregator, Incident
$Username  The Username creating the Incident Incident


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