API IDs - Test Cases and Campaigns

Section I. Introduction

In the world of Cyara, everything has a unique ID that never changes. Your account? Unique ID. Your user? Unique ID. Your favorite CX Model? It too has a unique ID. Cyara uses these IDs to distinguish one element on the platform from another. We're going to talk about the IDs surrounding tests cases and campaigns, and how we use them in Cyara's 3.0 REST API.


Section II. IDs and GUIDs

To start, Cyara uses two different kinds of IDs: a numerical ID (for example 21560), and a GUID (for example e576ed8e-d7da-4b5a-ae85-ea336b5267f8). With regards to test cases and campaigns, the GUIDs generate at the start of running either a test case or campaign. These GUIDs are not unique to the API, nothing actually is, and we can see them in the portal if we're quick.

To see a GUID in the portal, open up any test case and click Save & Run. If we look in the URL during the validation, we'll see the GUID for the validation in the ticket parameter (15a79226-0d50-4c8f-975f-8ac27bcf25d3):


When the test case validation finishes, the URL changes and we'll see the ID for the validation in the testResultId parameter (252429826):



Section III. API ID and GUID Names

Below is a table breaking down the various IDs and GUIDs associated with test cases and campaigns:

ID/GUID Name Definition Common retrieval(s) Common API use(s)
testCaseId An ID for the test case

Portal: Click on a test case and copy from the URL.

API: Run the GetTestCases call to list out every test case and their IDs or run the ImportTestCases call to make a new one.

Validate or export a test case.

Used in campaign creation and modification.

testRunTicketId A GUID for the running test case validation

Portal: Validate a test case and copy from the URL during validation.

API: Run the ExecuteTestCase call to validate the test case.

Get the Test Result Details for a call
testResultId An ID for the completed test case validation result

Portal: View the finished test case validation and copy from the URL.

API: Run the GetTestResultByTicketId call.

Get the Test Result Details for a call.

Access recordings, screenshots, and comments for the validation.

campaignId An ID for the campaign

Portal: Click on a campaign and copy from the URL.

API: Run the GetCampaigns call to list out every campaign and their IDs or run the CreateCampaign call to make a new one.

Run, update, or delete a campaign.

Get a campaign's previous runs.

campaignRunId A GUID for the running campaign execution

Portal: No common method, requires browser network trace.

API: Run the CampaignExecute call to execute the campaign.

Abort a running campaign.

Get the campaign execution's runId.


runId An ID for the completed campaign execution result

Portal: View the campaign execution results (live or afterward) and copy from the URL.

API: Run the GetCampaignRun call.

Get the campaign execution's results


Section IV. API Documentation Categories

Below is a table breaking down the common categories in Cyara's API documentation associated with test cases and campaigns:

Category Name Test Cases or Campaigns Common Usages


Make the GetCampaignRun call to use your campaignRunId GUID to retrieve the runId
Campaigns Campaigns

List, create, modify, run, abort, and delete your campaigns.

Can also get all the previous runs for a campaign and their runIds.

Reports Campaigns

Uses the runId to get your campaign execution results.

Also contains the now-deprecated test result feed for Pulse (please use the new and improved feed in the TestResults category).

TestCases Test Cases List, create, modify (import), export, run, and abort your test cases
TestResults Test Cases and Campaigns

For test cases, get the test case validation results, recordings, screenshots, and comments.

For campaigns, make the new GetTestResultsFeed call to retrieve your Pulse results

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