Export user data into Excel


Currently there is no neat way of exporting user data from the portal.  


Extracting data using API:

Using the API we're able to export the user data into a json file which isn't very neat for customers.

  1. Log into the Cyara Web Portal : https://www.cyaraportal.co.uk/CyaraWebPortal
  2. Generate a token by clicking on your profile in the top right hand corner of the portal > click on API > click on Generate Token > your token with be generated "Authorization: ApiKey XXXXX" > copy from ApiKey excluding Authorization mceclip0.png
  3. Log into the API : https://www.cyaraportal.co.uk/cyarawebApi mceclip1.png
  4. Authorize using your portal API Generated key as follows:
    • Click on Authorize
    • Paste your ApiKey & press click Authorize
    • You should now be authorised > click close Screenshot_2020-04-24_at_12.13.07.png
  5. Click "AccountUsers" > Click on "GET" > Click on "Try it out" > Enter the portal accountId > Click on "Execute" > In the "Body" sections click on "Download "  
  6. Your .json file will now be downloaded and ready to be converted in excel. mceclip4.png


Converting to Excel:

  1. Open Excel, I'm using excel version 2016 but should work for other versions. 
  2. Click on Data > New Query > From File > From json (or from csv if no json available) 
  3. If using From csv then be sure to click on "All Files" from the file type drop down > select your json file > click open 
  4. Then click on "List" mceclip7.png
  5. Then click on To Table 
  6. Then click "Ok" and click on the little box next to Column mceclip9.png
  7. Select the columns you would like and "Ok" .  In the example I've selected "Username, Firstname, Lastname and email" mceclip10.png

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