Currently there is no neat way of exporting user data from the portal.
Extracting data using API:
Using the API we're able to export the user data into a json file which isn't very neat for customers.
- Log into the Cyara Web Portal :
- Generate a token by clicking on your profile in the top right hand corner of the portal > click on API > click on Generate Token > your token with be generated "Authorization: ApiKey XXXXX" > copy from ApiKey excluding Authorization
- Log into the API :
- Authorize using your portal API Generated key as follows:
- Click on Authorize
- Paste your ApiKey & press click Authorize
- You should now be authorised > click close
- Click "AccountUsers" > Click on "GET" > Click on "Try it out" > Enter the portal accountId > Click on "Execute" > In the "Body" sections click on "Download "
- Your .json file will now be downloaded and ready to be converted in excel.
Converting to Excel:
- Open Excel, I'm using excel version 2016 but should work for other versions.
- Click on Data > New Query > From File > From json (or from csv if no json available)
- If using From csv then be sure to click on "All Files" from the file type drop down > select your json file > click open
- Then click on "List"
- Then click on To Table
- Then click "Ok" and click on the little box next to Column
- Select the columns you would like and "Ok" . In the example I've selected "Username, Firstname, Lastname and email"