Getting Started with Cyara Integrations
Documentation on how to get started using the Cyara Integration Hub. Integrate a range of 3rd party services with your Cyara Platform.
Integrations Overview
Cyara Integrations Cyara integrations are enabled by Integration Hub, a new component of the Cyara Platform designed to deliver a scalable approach to integrating to a range of 3rd party systems. These integrations are able to be modified and changed to...
Enabling the Integrations
Before using the Cyara Integration Hub, the Integrations must first be enabled and configured. An Account needs to be explicitly granted access to the Integrations section of the Portal. Checking the 'Enable Integration Hub' option on the Features secti...
Adding an Impersonation User
The Cyara Integration Hub is designed to push and pull information via the Cyara API. In order to achieve this, the Integration Hub will impersonate a provisioned Cyara user account, using it's API token to authenticate API requests. Once you have provi...